
Matteo Andreozzi


Short CV
Matteo Andreozzi (1979) is a PhD candidate in Philosophy, Humanae Litterae School, Department of Philosophy, Università degli Studi of Milan, Italy. 2011 1st National Prize in the 1st National Competition ONU Earth Charter (in memory of Vittorio Falsina) for a dissertation focused on the integrated vision of reality and knowledge ( 2010 Special Jury Award in the 1st National Competition Darwin: passato e futuro (Darwin: Past and Future) with the essay, La rivoluzione silenzionsa (The silent revolution), downloadable at 2009 1st National Prize in the 49th National Competition I giovani nella vita pubblica del Paese (Youth in Italian Public Life) with the University Reform Wiki Project downloadable at


Areas of interest in environmental philosophy
Matteo Andreozzi’s current research focuses on biocentric and ecocentric, individualism and holism, philosophy and ethics. The main aim is to reassess the relationship between the animal and environmental movements in light of jointly-held threats and concerns.


Keywords: Animalism, Sensiocentrism, Biocentrism, Ecocentrism, Environmentalism, Philosophy of Biology, Deep Ecology, Ecosophy.


Selection of publications




Contact details
Matteo Andreozzi

Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy

Department of Philosophy

Università degli Studi of Milan

Via Festa del Perdono 7, 20122, Milan (Italy)

Tel: +39 338 6153823



Personal homepage